
Innovative services based on our emergency call network
for motorway networks

Emergency call networks on motorways have a major role in ensuring the safety of drivers and passengers although today some would like to remove them, however they have shown their values:

  • Allows you to contact motorway emergency services with or without GSM coverage.

  • It makes it possible to precisely locate the position of the person in difficulty (Highway, km, direction).

  • With multilingual assistance for the operator, he gets the correct information about the current situation.

  • And today, with GDPR regulations, it allows operators to call the person back without having to take any phone number or other sensitive information.

Emergency call service

Smart infrastructure

  • In addition to all the benefits mentioned above, Maîtrise Technologique has developed and implemented new services to optimize management, profitability and security.

  • Thanks to additional services (travel time management with BlueTooth, LoRa (IoT) instrumentation, roadside devices – rest areas, tunnels, gates, etc.), which are now integrated into emergency call networks the ERT, becomes a generator of added value for road infrastructure managers.

  • Solutions that allow them to better understand traffic trends to gain autonomy and management process.